Lady Hamilton

Objet d’art

Lady Hamilton

This vector composition presents an interpretation of Georges Romney’s portrait of Lady Hamilton. Inside Tate Britain, a small portrait of Lady Hamilton exists, depicting the renowned beauty as Circe in George Romney’s study.

In a tribute to Piero Fornasetti and his muse Lina Cavalieri, this artwork creatively transforms the original painting into a half-tone image.



At the Crossroad


Entanglement explores the ambiguity inherent in the creative process by privileging the random to the detriment of the subject. Its organic and unfinished character pays tribute to abstract expressionism, especially the practice of dripping popularized by Jackson Pollock. The entanglement of colored filaments also recalls the network of neuron and axon extensions.

In another order of ideas, entanglement is part of the current philosophical reflexion related to quantum mechanics. In particular, to the theory of probabilities where the existence of a phenomenon is related to the experience of the viewer where two contradictory states coexist (Schrödinger’s cat’s paradox). The ambivalence of the work — painting, sculpture or weaving — invites the spectator to wonder about the superficiality of classifications and genres (fine arts or crafts) and to accept the existence of simultaneous states and multiple universes.